Sunday, August 29, 2004

Divinity is a code

divinity is a code Posted by Hello


Blogger Fresh Focus Nutrition said...

hey j,

re: the picture, i took a look at your code - try taking the photobucket url of the picture out of wrap #4 in the body code (just cut it from between the quotation marks) and paste the url between the quotation marks where it says:

#wrap {
background:url("[PUT URL HERE]") repeat-x left top;

directly below "page structure".
hope this works. e-mail me at and i can try and assist you further if that doesn't work. you may need to resize the image itself and re-send it to photobucket. anyway, i'm moving this week but i'll prolly be online again by friday.
cheers & keep blogging

3:33 p.m.  
Blogger name of the rose said...

Thanks m!

I tried your first suggestion
but virtual ineptitudes resound.
Resizing my brain may be the only cure...

I will be in touch.

Meanwhile, happy trails
until you get from here to there.

7:30 p.m.  

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