Saturday, October 23, 2004


a conversation
is the outline of a becoming,
follows a line of flight
while the self
is a threshold,
a door,
a becoming between two multiplicities,
entering a zone of becoming with something other,
provided one discovers the literary
or artistic means for doing so
like Melville's Moby Dick
as Captain Ahab becomes Moby Dick
not through imitation or mimesis,
not from lived sympathy nor imaginary identification
but by entering into a zone of indiscernability
where Ahab can no longer distinguish himself
from the white whale,
to the point that he strikes himself
in striking the whale,
engages in becoming-whale
which does not mean that he actually becomes a whale

in a becoming
one term does not become another,
but each term encounters the other
and the becoming is something between
and outside the two,
an affect or a percept
just as Ahab and the whale lose their texture
as subjects,
in favour of an infinitely proliferating patchwork
of affects and percepts that escape their form

sacred source percept
of (doubling) tidal infinitives

"...shattering lived perceptions into a sort of cubism,
a sort of simultaneism, of harsh or crespuscular light,
of purple and blue, which have no other object or subject
than themselves...It is always a question of freeing life
where ever it is imprisoned, or of tempting it into an
uncertain combat." (D&G, WIP)

and never able
to fully recover
from new experiences

like years of expressionism leading up to 1945,
when, after leaving a Montparnasse movie theatre,
Alberto Giacometti writes;

"Until then...there was no distinction between my vision
of the external world and that which passed on the movie
screen. One was continuous with the other. Until one day
when a genuine schism occurred: instead of seeing a
person not on the screen, I saw vague black taches
[blurs] that moved. I looked at the people around me
and all of a sudden I saw them as I had never seen
them. Everything was different: depth, objects,
colours, silence...and competely new...a sort of
continual marvelling at everything...That day
reality became completely revalued for me, it
became the unknown, but a marvelous unknown."

leaves a trace
of whispered gasps
in the gleam of an eye
like childhood remainders
on the breath
of the AND
such texting lines
the form of its secret
is the ungraspable thing
that counts this line,
defines its present form
as the form of something
that has already happened
like soft rains
and gentle winds
for the one
who knows
to make
the whole world
a becoming


Blogger in vino veritas [in wine, there is truth] said...

this seems to walk the line btwn abstract and concrete, which is not always obvious; I find myself using my hands as I read this, drawing an outline in the air, marking a [threshold], then moving my hand past it into [a zone of becoming] ...

it's like a riddle which I can solve only using reason and visual aids, which takes me somewhere I don't often go; I haven't used my hands while speaking in years, though I used to do it all the time while explaining something, or telling a story, or recalling an event - it seemed to help, though I was conscious of it only when it was pointed out.


[the form of its secret
is the ungraspable thing
that counts this line,
defines its present form
as the form of something ...]

a nebulous intangible, is the way I 'see' it.

9:17 p.m.  
Blogger name of the rose said...

[this seems to walk the line btwn abstract and concrete]...I'd hoped so

some things defy words, invoke other senses and require other expressions, (like using one's hands to describe an infinitive verb (becomings), its hyphenation, like a musician becoming-song can't adequately be described in print but meust be experienced

I used to use the word nebulous alot...[nebulous intangible]is a good phrase and the quote you chose
[the form of its secret...etc] is the part I was thinking of changing...but I will leave it now...

2:26 a.m.  
Blogger in vino veritas [in wine, there is truth] said...

I have been coming back to this all day ... looking at the picture and reading through the words - both of which are moving 'portraits of a man' ... and am left to wonder, again, what happended to it? Disappeared.

10:49 p.m.  
Blogger name of the rose said...

Okay...I will repost. For you.

11:22 p.m.  

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