Monday, October 10, 2005


Perhaps it's just the time of year.
Such unpoetic thoughts as these,
things that trail October winds
and other fixations.

There is an interesting correlation
between the narrow scope of formalized education
and Faculties of Education that train educators to
borrow their predominant research style from the
Social Sciences; their biased approach towards
scientificity that serves (the process of) measurement
so well. Reseach methods that induce a particular kind
of knowledge that limits philosophical and artistic inquiry.
An irony, considering how Art defines an epoch; what
a poet might refer to as a warm intelligence. Just imagine
the plethora of data collected for the sake of quantitative
or qualitative analysis of schooling, written up and
retrospectively peppered with a superficial sprinkling of theory.
By being so end-oriented, the methods of scientific normativity
go unquestioned and the philosophical value of knowledge,
the humanity of it, remains hidden. Not to mention the gratuitous
amounts of archived data lacking substantive theoretical
explication and real meaning.

But to move beyond a dichotomous view of research,
beyond the either-or of it,
beyond either end-oriented
or exclusively theoretical inquiry...

To find a community of thinkers not reducible to their methods.
To investigate (new) forms of research that keep from getting
lost in the minutia of its encyclopedic content.
To chose an interdisciplinary path, an unconventional view
of education-as-communication, as an interstitial connection
between disciplines by attending to the form of new knowledge
rather than to its specialized content
is what Deleuze means by
"reversing Platonism".

Reversing Platonism means to demystify Platonic thought.
To erase its dualisms.
To erase the distinction between
essences and appearances,
the pure and the impure,
authentic and inauthentic.
All that verbiage.

As if to imply a becoming-research
with no totalizing methods.
No formulaic ways if reducing
the many diverse individuals and environments that it studies.
To observe the constant movement of the searcher's own becoming.
The simultaneous coexistence of differences
in an open system of multiplicities
with an ever-shifting centre
which cannot be captured
in measurements
for very long.

By refusing to layer the conditions of experience
with transcendent-Platonic essences
and by refusing to measure real experiences
according to a model of resemblance,
tracking experience becomes an expression
of difference (and repetition) in the world.
To show that the unity of knowledge
cannot be measured
according to an ideal model.

When Deleuze states (in Logic of Sense)
that he intends to reverse Platonism
he undermines idealism and rationalism
through the paradox of language.
As if to embrace a philsophy of difference
not restricted by words.
The perpetual flux
of actions, thoughts and desires
that congeal.
That submerge a researcher
in warm intelligence.

Just like the wind
in this Octobered time of year.


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