Wednesday, August 02, 2006


this heat wave has lasted days. until today,
New York City has been inundated and so too here,
north of the border. last night was unbearably hot.
the worst yet. hot like spider sex.
walls about to drip.

a few years ago when temperatures soared this high,
the power grid completely shut down. after such a
wide-spread blackout, it still astounds me to discover
empty cars with idling engines in this kind of heat.
as if natural resources are infinite and unending.
in extreme temperatures, the value of native north
american spirituality (underscored by the writings
of Suzuki) resonate with particular poignance.
and so it seems that notions of sustainability
remain unattainable without some daily reverence
for the natural world.

to defy the extreme humidity, and like so many
others, last night I went to the water. congregated
there with strangers who deliberately sat by the
docks in the darkened heat listening to sailors'
voices returning to port, chased in by the warm
glow of city lights from across the bay. meanwhile,
four large swans floated near the shore to welcome
them in. they were surrounded by a host of mallard
ducks and canada geese all standing on the rocks
except for one lone canada goose who flew across
the silver half-moon calling to its mate.

as it is in extreme climates, strangers often seek
each other out, talk to one another about random
things whenever temperatures shift to extremes.
during these times, people step outside their
prescribed roles and fall into a flow which
seems to be a more natural state of communion.

nearby, I saw L seated on a bench and there in the dark,
with people all around, silhouetted by harbour lights,
she lifted her shirt and routinely gripped one breast
with her left hand while her right gently cupped the
back of her 12 week old son`s head. she raised him
up until his little lips found skin and at this
precise moment, she looked over at me. we shared
the kind of smile only women know while looking
forward, straight ahead across the water,
through the night and past the heat
at something intangible.


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