Wednesday, November 22, 2006


what if these words are framed
by nebulous thought, para-psychology,
excursions through para-elliptical lace
(in a white wall/black hole Deleuzoguattarian
kind of way), that, and a brief journey
into comparative religion from books
that describe more than 1,000 cases
of regression to that time between
lives (which is a line that negates
(sch)isms and which is very much
like the path that finally leads
to finding someone who is more
than just a look, who's eyes one
can swim through to reach regions
unexplored, which is also the
underlying notion that we are
all part of the same vast school
of unending personal growth where
each of us form part of a particular
close-knit study group on the other side,
with lessons and goals that are
predetermined before the next
specific life begins, and where
key relationships are also
pre-arranged or agreed upon

what if this idea pertains to
Dante's life, but especially to
the impact Beatrice had on him?
did he recognize her because she
was a close studymate in the time before?
were certain circumstances pre-established
so that he would end up doing what he
did and writing what he did alone,
concluding his life with his Inferno,
with the fact that he would never be
with her and that this was equated
with some past karma, blatant
self-determination or a desire
for personal growth? as for
the role Virgil played, Dante's
literary beacon, don't we all
have guides or teachers who take
us on various journeys in various
forms, who come and go from our
lives like tides, like 100 faces
of the moon, and no matter where
we are on our given path, aren't
there others who are farther along,
who guide us? and is this universally
innate need or desire to look up to
someone mere hero-worhship or do all
of our "hunches" equate with ancestral
voices and correlate faint memories with
teachers on the other side)?

if the mind is open and listening
to the ancestrally-incessant chorus
that drums through our dreams and
never lets-up for a life-time,
do we progress further
in our learning?

and what if this is how I view
the cluster of conscious states
that currently comprise this world,
the world that I am currently viewing
(sort of) like an outsider, knowing
that there are many others who carry
equally subjective worldview(s)
alongside mine?

what if?

writing is a tide -
100 faces of the moon
fill an open mind


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