Saturday, February 17, 2007


it is a fascination with roads, images of roads,
curves and contours, the idea of what's unseen
that's just up ahead, and how seasons lend
elements of unexpectedness to otherwise
familiar journeys. the texture of travel
(even if it is only local) and a lingering
question; is it arrival or flight that
draws me in?

... in another life, I actually know him.

and if, as Borges states, rain falls in
the past, then snow is always falling,
always moving through the infinitive.
always coming. just look up! to feel
the timelessness of falling white.
its unending beauty. I am looking
for Borges in his words, searching
his white spaces, not for
the obvious stuff that holds him up
but for all the secrets that he hides.
and there, in the pregnant gaps between
each letter lie his unspoken things,
things that trespass my nightsky with
a familiar sense of uncertainty.

"Behind each name lies that which has no name.
Today I felt its nameless shadow tremble
in the blue clarity of the compass needle,

whose rule extends as far as the far seas,
something like a clock glimpsed in a dream
or a bird that stirs suddenly in its sleep."

(Jorge Luis Borges)


Blogger Joseph Gallo said...

...the pregnant gaps between
each letter lie his unspoken things...

I love this investigation, this exquisite study of the spaces between sky and the structure of the flake.

I met Borges once, in the mid-80's at UCSB. We shook hands and had a brief moment. I have our exact exchange written somewhere on paper, but I vaguely remember addressing him as Maestro with an encantado, perhaps, before it and him ooking into my face with his sharp, blind eyes.

I was transfixed in his presence, straining to achieve the grace of mere and momentary colleague. Though I was not a student, I attended the class and still have notes from his lecture.

2:18 a.m.  
Blogger name of the rose said...

How incredible to have met Borges ...
It might be interestting to post your notes from his lecture somewhere, one day.

3:54 p.m.  
Blogger Joseph Gallo said...

Yes, meeting him was a moment to savor. At the time I had no idea that the gravity of doing so would become greater and more vivid with the passage of time.

As we look across our lives we see the moments that make us who we are, that continuously shape and reshape us into something unimaginable.

Once I come across the notes again, I shall post them at Drachenthrax, most likely.

2:03 a.m.  

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