Thursday, May 31, 2007


she said,

"of course we become inspired
to write off one another! that is
how it works! I think it is quite
beautiful when a piece turns into
someone else's masterpiece.
art is about sharing the love,

sign of the times. what's mine is yours
in a Burroughs-Tzara-Gysin cut-up-machine
kind of way. the notion that (found) art is
a process of exploiting externalities,
feeding on whatever crosses one's path
to reflect an already ready-made culture.
the artist-as-consumer becomes the consumed.

these are early morning thoughts


Blogger Conrad DiDiodato said...

Okay, okay. Let's try again.

Nemerov rips off Lowell rips off Duncan rips off Creeley rips off Oppen rips off Duncan rips off Reznikoff rips off Olson rips off Gysin rips off Tzara rips off Burroughs.

Who did Homer rip off. Nobody. He couldn't read.


9:44 a.m.  
Blogger name of the rose said...

all canonized ludites.

and you, who do you rip off?

7:55 a.m.  
Blogger Conrad DiDiodato said...

Yes, all limp-wristed ludites.

I rip off Dryden who rips off Vaughan rips off Marvell rips off Lovelace rips off Cowley rips off Winstanley rips off Milton rips off Davenant rips off Herbert.

And "My wife whose hair is a brush fire/Whose thoughts are summer lightning/Whose waist is an hourglass/Whose waist is the waist of an otter caught in the teeth of a tiger", etc (Breton)

And who does Breton rip off?

8:16 p.m.  

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