ninth series: non sense of denotation
o speeed of haecceities! roll the breezy smell
of linseedflavouredsolvent through an open door
while finger digging at a deepsoaked scratch of
crumpled floor tips off the edge across cascading
fallingfloats that slide a polished hardwood dusk
into the crashing tickticktick of fiveoclock as memory
dips a percept from the surface of a butterbeeswax seal
and beveled lines scrape feather-chasing pennied percept-plates
from slips into an acid dip of bubblebite incisions rocking
warmblack daubers past the press of cream-wet arches in
multiversed viscosities and particularities to embossment
spied from loopinglooks across a series of incessant
repetitions to a difference pressed hard against each felted
pullaway from fifteen centuries of sugarlift invaginations
braced by every echoed step across a crumbling walkway
winding up the trace of staringdownthecracks at crevices
and other textured promises schizzing out of sense
by quickening (re)marks of self-expression
when in final form and substance name the gap
between events and rendered meaning
Like Cezanne, who wished to make Impressionist painting
a new way of seeing by increasing his autonomy from the
official realist style of the Academie des Beaux-Arts
in Paris in 1863. When Napoleon III declared a protest
exhibition (named the Salon des Refuses) for those artists
who had been refused by the jury of the Academie's official
Salon, Cezanne participtated (amoung artists like Degas,
Pissarro, Monet, Renoir and more). The critics' denouncement
of these works fueled a revolutionary artistic spirit and the
percept of impressionism was born. By no coincidence, this
happened at a time when Lewis Carroll was writing the Alice stories.
Deleuzian "becoming of thought" prompts a way
beyond the 'either-or' towards assembliesofsensations,
takes on an eternity from within and twists the nerves,
creates "a crack in the skull", an identity of both form
and void, where the void itself is
"the paradoxical element,
the surface nonsense... the always displaced aleatory point whence the event bursts forth as sense...the pure instant grasped at the point at which it divides itself into future and past." (Deleuze, 1990).
jason mulgrew
internet quasi-celebrity
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