Wednesday, November 03, 2004


a flickering pace of promises
leaking through a floor of complications
melting words that come before
and sound like this
off the walls
peel them back
and rearrange them
into sticky repositions
payne's grey words
that pour your fingerprints
from hearttomindtoeveryotherthing
to trip the tip
of floatingface to floatingface
until the ritournello
turns about withinwithout
as if to say
a wound
is not a cause
for noxious tides
of fragmentary focal points
not i dot i
but just a pause
for realignment
with the whitehotflame
of thatwhichiswithinitself
and thatwhichisconceivedthroughoutitself
like moments rightly buttered with spinoza
onto nucleated knowings
layered ontologically
and allpervasively expansive
in an undivided YesYesYes
your nonono
and all these lettered soldiers
lining up inside my head
against a wandering maze of no-more-reminiscence
and not your angry star,
your sizzling wick,
your white hot drip of wax across the skin
a steaming tick tick tick,
the mantled clock of thinkingwaytoofast
against that chime, that time, that meeting to attend
and rushing out the door of ink-still-wet
upon a page of drivingthroughtherain
away from all these things
when only wanting music
in the taste of almond on the tongue,
the onebyone of turning pages in a book


Blogger in vino veritas [in wine, there is truth] said...

if I'm not mistaken, the original timestamp for this was TUE, before midnight, sometime before the untitled post; the original time that you wrote it is of interest, for a few reasons ... its evolution was fascinating - and seemed to de-personalize and 'soften' the edge of the original; is that accurate?

off the walls
peel them back
and rearrange them
into sticky repositions]

I'm not sure that I follow the meaning, but I like the image - and the aesthetics of it on the page; in 'seeing' it, I am vaguely reminded of a dark cartoon-ish figure, whose name escapes me, but who is himself a dark shadow, sneaking through a dimly lit city around corners and through alleys, and not for the best; it's a compelling image.

1:05 a.m.  
Blogger name of the rose said...

[and seemed to de-personalize and 'soften' the edge of the original; is that accurate?]

...yes, and I suppose that is always my line of flight,
my trajectory out

[I'm not sure that I follow the meaning, but I like
the image - and the aesthetics of it on the page;]

...thanks, and as for the meaning of that passage, it has to do with the need to control

[in 'seeing' it, I am vaguely reminded of a dark cartoon-ish figure, whose name escapes me, but who is himself a dark shadow, sneaking through a dimly lit city around corners and through alleys, and not for
the best; it's a compelling image.]

...yes, yours is.

2:36 a.m.  
Blogger in vino veritas [in wine, there is truth] said...

the entirety of the quote that [...yes, yours is] refers to is not lost on me ... I am however still interested to know about the timestamp; was it written before the 'untitled' piece?

and if so, I'd like you explain it a bit - specifically the end; it seems an improbable coincidence.

2:55 a.m.  
Blogger name of the rose said...

I hope I am interpreting your question corrrectly.

I had originally copied the mid section of that piece (which had been written many weeks earlier as everything between the ... ...) and pasted it into a draft version (which inadvertently locked the time stamp) and then began to write the frame (of words) around it, its beginning and end...with the original ending having that same sentiment as now. However, as a direct and resonant result of your very moving HWL quote and comment, one key word in the ending changed. So to answer your question, the beginning and ending was not written before the piece enttled ~~~

Flows flow and so it goes.

[I am however still interested to know about the timestamp; was it written before the 'untitled' piece?
and if so, I'd like you explain it a bit - specifically the end; it seems an improbable coincidence].

3:46 a.m.  
Blogger in vino veritas [in wine, there is truth] said...

[Flows flow and so it goes] ... indeed; you've explained what I wanted to know - thanks.

4:14 a.m.  

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