Thursday, July 21, 2005


a double capture

not defined
by binaries nor dualisms,
not by question-answer machines,
nor gendered dichotomies
not by imitation,
not assimilation,
nor conformity
to some model of justice,
and unattainable
to individuals

becomings arise
as multiplicities expand
like a wasp becoming-orchid
while the orchid grabs the wasp,
the orchid forming a wasp image,
a wasp-becoming,
just as the wasp enjoys an orchid-becoming,
by meeting on a trajectory,
a common-but-asymetrical deterritorialization
to form a single infinitive

a confidence
of imperceptible acts
expressed in a style
and contained in a life

a conversation
that forms an outline
of its becoming
like an objective zone
of indiscernibility
between two multiplicities
that precedes
individual differentiation

not defined
by some centre
but by its limits
and its borders

entering into relations
with other edges
that change
or transform both
along a line of flight

til one sees the self
as a door
through which to pass
to search for something inbetween,
for an affect
or a percept,
that becomes part of
an infinately proliferating patchwork,
that escapes individual form
and grows beyond the two

just like two-year-old-Jaden
becoming her-father's-eyes


Blogger S.L. Corsua said...

I absolutely love how the insight of philosophy is interwoven with the beauty of poetry here. (It reminds me of the state of becoming vis-à-vis the state of being. ^_^) The fourth stanza captivated me... And the last two lines made me smile...

Your writing has my admiration now. Will drop by again for more. ^_^

Dream well...

4:19 p.m.  
Blogger name of the rose said...

yes, always the infinitive,
our ever-shifting sands...

and thank you

9:35 a.m.  

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