Tuesday, August 02, 2005


in the same way that L had slipped her
tiny hand through mine, interlaced it
and held on while busy doing something else,
I was reminded of S, how he used to do the
same, usually when taking notes, when only
half-aware, fingertips softly grazing the
palm, incessantly tracking contours with
something that moved beyond familiarity,
until he could hold it in his head, in the
same way a sculptor studies form, not seeing
with the eyes, but with the heart of a desire
to blindly memorize an outline, as if it
framed a wound he had once treated

"Beauty has no other origin than a wound,
unique, different for each person, hidden
or visible, that everyone keeps to himself,
that he preserves, and to which he withdraws
when he wants to leave the world for a
temporary but profound solitude...Giacometti's
art seems to me to want to discover that
secret wound of every being, and even of
every object, so that it can illumine them."
(Jean Genet)


Blogger S.L. Corsua said...

half-aware, fingertips softly grazing the
palm, incessantly tracking contours with
something that moved beyond familiarity

To notice the little gestures and make them speak of the depth of emotions... Ahh, you are such a gifted observer and poet. (and I do consider myself blessed to have chanced upon your poetry site weeks ago. ^_^)

Thank you for the comment on my poem, "When the Echoes Subside." Forgive me for the delayed reply. You have mentioned that you "continue to try to unlock its meaning." As regards the last word in said piece, it is deliberately isolated (horizontally, and especially vertically) to emphasize the fact that everything said prior to it... is inapplicable when it comes to the "you" referred to in the piece. Uhm, I hope I made sense. And I do hope it helps. *sheepish grin*

In any case, other interpretations are always welcome; I relish beholding the trail of thoughts readers graciously leave behind... ^_^

9:59 a.m.  
Blogger name of the rose said...

thank you

... and yes, it made sense...

11:20 p.m.  

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