Thursday, August 24, 2006


canadian august.

the air is deliberately cooler this morning,
heralding fall. harbouring change. I`ve woken
up way too early and the sky is white. maybe
rain. there`s no cream for coffee left and
I can still hear Felicia`s voice inside my
head leftover from last night. the floating
dandelion seed she tracked in the dark. her
words, "here comes another wish, better use
it." and my reply, "I am this many.", my
inner 6 year old is still intact. I stretch
towards the calm, the lake, because it feels
like I`ve been in transit all night long,
driving dreams without a map. no atlas.
just road warriors. I think I`ll grab this
day by the shoulders. twist it around and
kiss it full on the lips, will whisper
hallalujah to the wind and let its letters
roll across my tongue one by one while
breathing in the morning air.

the day smells sweet.


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