Tuesday, June 26, 2007


perhaps because it was white.

white jeans rolled up to mid-calf and
a light white cotton shirt slipping
off one shoulder. hair dashing past
the horizon, obstructing the view
and clearly not out to make an

I closed the car trunk, a heavy bag
in-hand, about to head past the docks
when he lifted a gym bag from his car.
relatively tall and dark, he paused,
glanced directly into the sun and said,
"want a drink?". it was a beautiful Sat.
evening, still rather early and he was
inviting me onto his boat. I smiled
and continued walking. he replied,
"just one?". I thanked him and
politely declined. but we walked
in the same direction and since
he was a little ahead of me I
studied his posture, watched how
he moved. head down, he scratched
his hair a few times as he turned
towards the boats and did not look
back. when men come on too strong
(not that he did), it can be somewhat
off-putting. but alternatively, showing
a little vulnerability can be rather
endearing. after seeing this in him,
perhaps I regretted my decision.
maybe his "just one?" was not
a euphemism, afterall.

"eyes you traverse instead of seeing
yourself in or gazing into in those
glum face-to-face encounters between
signifying subjectivities. "I no longer
look into the eyes of the woman
I hold in my arms but I swim through,
head and arms and legs, and I see
that behind the sockets of the eyes
there is a region unexplored, the
world of futurity, and here there
is no logic whatsoever ... I have
broken the wall ... My eyes are
useless, for they render back only
the image of the known, my whole
body must become a constant beam
of light, moving with an ever
greater rapidity, never arrested,
never looking back, ever dwindling ...
Therefore I close my ears, my eyes,
my mouth.
" BwO."
(D&G, Milles Plateaus)

moments come and go so quickly
and with a little hesitation,
intersections are lost.

beyond that,
what is it about white?


Blogger name of the rose said...

this is not a poem,
but oh, the coluum

10:44 a.m.  

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