Friday, December 31, 2004

last day

with no more flurried haste
to overtake each second
like passing cars that double their intent
like the shuttering delay of any camera click
like photographic negatives heaped into a many-layered spill
and knowing all these things will outlast me
just as neon colours fade
but how the rushofwings
there are g u i d e s
who populate dark solitudes of flight
and, steadfast like a morning star,
shed light along Borgesian plains
for "those who stand across
the four corners of the earth
so that it does not blow away"
while neither filling any kind of space
nor enclosing its intent
but gently drawing some new thread
from sleep to grace
within the sightless spool
of this first night


Blogger in vino veritas [in wine, there is truth] said...

it's interesting to note, in passing, how 'all white' has spilled into 'last day' into 'what is', in that there is present and referenced a 'me'; though subtle, it is a change.

12:31 a.m.  
Blogger name of the rose said...

perhaps you read me better than I read myself

...of course it is flattering of you to consider this aspect of all 3 pieces, and yes, now that you point it out, I suppose it is indicative

1:18 a.m.  

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